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20 09 97 L'essenziale delle news ogni mattina sul vostro pc ENGLISH VERSION __________________ COVER STORY __________________ VIVA LAS VEGAS After spending 3 hours in Nevada's City of Light 14 years ago, I cursed it like Sodom and vowed never to return. I did this week, for 48 hours after a 315-mile drive. Readers who collect numbers for gambling may gain from my having stayed in room 2673 at a hotel on the Strip. But we should call it "the Strep." There one develops a sore throat: whether from the proximity of humanity, much smoke in the air, a 30-degree indoors/outdoors differential, or shouting to be heard over the din of iniquity, I do not know. Slot machines are everywhere. Players sit expressionless, inserting money and pushing buttons like addicted automatons. When they receive occasional winnings in cascades of coins, they look away without smile or surprise, miffed by the interruption of routine. Addiction medicates pain, and the pain returns when winning is reality's resented intrusion. Las Vegas may have medicinal qualities. My throat still hurts. Maurizio Saitta __________ NEWS from ITALY _________ SIAMO RICCHI Arriva oggi la nuova banconota da 500mila lire che riproduce tre opere di Raffaello Sanzio. THE COLOR OF MONEY Italy's Treasury introduced Monday a new banknote worth 500,000 lire ($300), the highest denomination in Italian history. On the bill are reproduced three paintings by Raphael. DESIGNER DI MATTONI Inaugurata a Milano la sede della danese "Lego" nella quale diversi designer italiani saranno chiamati a studiare nuove forme di gioco e divertimento per i bambini impegnati nelle costruzioni. Ai designer e' stato chiesto di studiare con un occhio di riguardo il modo di divertirsi dei bambini figli di extracomunitari, sempre piu' presenti in Italia. LEGO LOMBARDA Milano. Lego, a Danish manufacturer of plastic building blocks, picked the capital of Lombardy for its Italian HQ. The toy maker wants local designers to develop new shapes by studying children at play, with a keen eye on the habits of extra-European kids, whose numbers are growing in Italy. VIVA GLI SPOSI Un arresto e cinque denunciati a piede libero e' il bilancio di una colossale rissa tra parenti scoppiata ad un matrimonio a Ottiglio (Alessandria). JUST PARRIED Alessandria (Piedmont). Wedding ring: lively nuptials in Ottiglio ended in a monumental brawl among relatives of the newlyweds. Of the six people arrested during the striking celebration, one was jailed and five were released on bail. BARISTI CONTRO Un barista palermitano ha denunciato i mafiosi che dopo anni di taglieggiamenti si sono impadroniti del suo bar. E' il secondo caso in un anno di 'imprenditori-coraggio'. Il procuratore di Palermo Gianfranco Caselli ha rivolto ieri l'ennesimo appello: "Unitevi e denunciate. Solo cosi' riusciremo a vincere il racket". LAST CALL Palermo (Sicily). The owner of a bar filed suit against Mafia men who after years of blackmail took over his establishment. This is the second instance in one year that 'gutsy' entrepreneurs have come forward to expose such acts. District Attorney Gianfranco Caselli issued a city-wide appeal Tuesday exhorting Mafia victims to "Unite and sue: it's the only way we can defeat the racketeers." NON E' DA MANGIARE L'Anlaids e l'immunologo Fernando Aiuti hanno presentato gli esiti di una ricerca condotta su 3000 ragazzi tra i 14 e i 20 anni. Tra essi quattro su dieci non sa usare il preservativo in maniera corretta. IF SWALLOWED, CONTACT PHYSICIAN 40% of young men in Italy do not know how to use a condom correctly. So concludes a study conducted by ANLAIDS, an Italian AIDS research organization that surveyed 3000 males aged 14 to 20. The data were presented by the immunologist Fernando Aiuti. OK, IL PREZZO E' GIUSTO Arriva la 'task force' contro gli sprechi nei ministeri dello Stato. Un gruppo di esperti punta in qualche anno a regolamentare i prezzi dei beni di uso comune utilizzati in scuole, caserme, ospedali e nella Pubblica Amministrazione. L'obiettivo e' di ridurre del 20-30% la spesa annuale attuale di 25mila Mld all'anno. I'D RATHER BUY A HAMMER THAN A NAIL The Italian government constituted this week an interdepartmental task force to combat waste in procurement. General supplies for schools, hospitals, military installations, and the bureaucracy currently cost the state 25,000 billion lire ($15 billion) per annum. By regulating prices, the new body hopes to save 20% to 30% within a few years. E' tutto. Buon fine settimana
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