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13 09 97 L'essenziale delle news ogni mattina sul vostro pc ENGLISH VERSION _____________________________ COVER STORY _____________________________ LIKE A CANDLE IN THE CHURCH When stylist Gianni Versace was killed, Princess Diana issued a statement about him; when she died, Mother Theresa issued a statement about the ex-royal. Then Mother Theresa dies and nobody says anything. Could it be that people are beginning to feel superstitious about issuing statements of sympathy for deceased celebrities? It seems surprising that the saintly woman of Calcutta receives so little mention: her name was on everyone's lips, a synonym with goodness. I was shaken by Versace's tragic death: I liked his stuff and admired his genius; when the Princess died I was saddened and -- for whatever reasons -- many phone calls informed me of her accident; when Mother Theresa went to her heaven I felt strangely deprived: I had spent half my life thinking her dead already, a memory of a romantic, generous past. "I am unworthy," were her words on learning that she had been awarded a Nobel Prize. I wish Elton John wrote a song for her, too. Maurizio Saitta _____________________________ dall'edizione di lunedi' RAPITI Il padre di Silvia Melis, nelle mani dell'anonima sequestri sarda dal 19 febbraio scorso, si e' visto bloccare un assegno di 7 milioni frutto di una prestazione professionale. La banca avrebbe agito in ottemperanza alla legge sul blocco dei beni dei famigliari dei sequestrati, ma la famiglia protesta e rivolge un appello alla magistratura. FROZEN PEANUTS An Italian bank blocked payment on a 7-million-lire ($4,000) cheque issued to the father of Silvia Melis, a woman who was kidnapped in Sardinia last February 19. The cheque was in payment for professional services rendered by Mr Melis. The bank may have acted in accordance with an Italian law mandating the freezing of assets belonging to immediate relations of kidnap victims. The family is appealing the decision through the courts. ______ NEO-LAUREATI Secondo gli ultimi dati Istat l'84% di laureati trova lavoro entro un anno, il 16% addirittura entro un mese, mentre il 26% dichiara che il suo nuovo titolo di studio non serve per il lavoro che fa. Odontoiatria e veterinaria sarebbero - secondo questi dati - le facolta' piu' sicure per trovare occupazione. HOUNDS-TOOTH PROFESSIONALS Good news for university graduates in Italy. ISTAT, the national bureau of statistics, recently released data showing that 84% of degree-holders are employed within one year of graduation; of these, nearly one-fifth (16% of the total) find work in the first month. Twenty-six percent of those polled state that their work is unrelated to their field of study. The surest disciplines for landing a tailor-made job? Dental Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, quoth the study. ______ da martedi' DOTTORI IN ALLEGRIA Ha avuto entrambi i seni asportati per un tumore che una corretta diagnosi rivelo' successivamente non maligno; le sue protesi sono poi risultate difettose tanto che la casa produttrice le ritirera' dal mercato e ora l'Inps le nega la pensione di invalidita'. La protagonista di questa storia e' una donna di 46 anni di Genova. POUND OF FLESH A Genoese woman, 46, had both her breasts removed for a tumor that was later revealed to be non-malignant. After the unnecessary surgery, the woman's prosthetic implants were found to be defective and were recalled by the manufacturer. Now INPS, Italy's welfare organization, denied her a disability pension. _____ VITA DI COPPIA Il 43% delle mogli italiane non tornerebbe a sposare l'uomo che si sono scelte. Tra le insoddisfatte il 21% lamenta la troppa presunzione del partner, il 19% la pigrizia, il 14% e' assillata dal marito che russa. ITALIAN STALLIONS A recent study reveals that 43% of married women in Italy would not choose their husbands if given a second chance. Leading the complaints of those returning negative verdicts are arrogance (21%), laziness (19%), and snoring (14%). ______ mercoledi' BORSA VALORI VATICANA Una settantina di piccole modifiche, qualche correzione nell'aggettivazione ma sostanzialmente poco cambia nel Catechismo cattolico presentato ieri, nella sua ultima edizione, dal cardinale Joseph Ratzinger. In rialzo la chiusura in termini di morale sessuale, mentre si inasprisce la critica della Chiesa alla pena di morte che comunque non esce totalmente dalle pagine del Catechismo. Piu' indulgenza verso chi si masturba, ma intanto diventa "peccato grave" non andare a messa quando ci sono le condizioni giuste per farlo. NO-VATICAN-DO Officially revised guidelines for catechism within the Roman Catholic Church were presented this week by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Vatican's appointed editor. After about 70 minor language alterations over its previous version, the new statute displays tolerance of sexual morality, including some leniency regarding masturbation. On the other hand, the Church's criticism of the death penalty has become notably harsher. The failure to attend Sunday Mass (without just cause) has been upgraded to "grave" sin. ______ giovedi' SIAMO SOLO NOI Un turista italiano, Fabio Piras, 20 anni di Nuoro, e' stato arrestato e condannato per direttissima a una multa di 100 sterline (300mila lire) per aver rubato un orsacchiotto lasciato da un bambino come testimonianza d'affetto per Diana, a St. James' Park. All'uscita dal tribunale l'italiano e' stato avvicinato da cittadino inglese che gli ha sferrato per punizione un cazzotto in faccia. SENSE AND SENSIBILITY Fabio Piras, an Italian tourist from Nuoro (Sardinia), was arrested in London for stealing a teddy bear. The toy was left in St James Park by a child to honor the memory of the late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales. The 20-year-old Piras received a speedy trial, was fined 100 pounds ($180), and was released. Outside the court, an angry British subject furthered justice by delivering a punch on the face of the transgressor. ______ CAMBIAMENTI RADICALI Arriva un segnale di cambiamento per gli abitanti dei due quartieri piu' disastrati di Palermo. Il consiglio comunale ha infatti disposto che le zone "Zen" e "Cep" prenderanno i nomi "San Filippo Neri" e "San Giovanni Apostolo". PROTECTOR SAINTS Long-sought relief is on its way for two slum-like neighborhoods of Palermo (Sicily): the municipal council recently decreed that their names be changed from Zen and Cep respectively to San Filippo Neri and San Giovanni Apostolo. _______ MR CAB DRIVER Disagi sull'A1 ieri per il serpentone di taxi a passo d'uomo che protestavano contro un articolo che consentirebbe agli enti locali la possibilita' di dare a chiunque il permesso di trasportare persone, cosi' come contro la proposta di istituire i taxi-collettivi come antidoto al traffico cittadino. LET'S MAKE IT WORSE A snake-like procession of taxis driving at less than 5 Km/hour (3 mph) was the cause Wednesday of much traffic congestion on the A1, Italy's main north-south motorway. The drivers were protesting a bill -- intended to relieve traffic congestion -- by which permits for carrying passengers "on hire" could be issued to everyone operating a vehicle. Another target of the snail-paced protesters: a proposal to introduce "group taxis" in cities. _______ venerdi PUTA'S FEVER Sarebbero 50.000 le prostitute che lavorano in Italia. Un rapporto Eurispes indica che il dato e' in aumento, cosi' come le denunce per istigazione e sfruttamento della prostituzione (+278% tra il '90 e il '95). Del totale, 30.000 sono straniere, 10.000 sono trans o travestiti, mentre altre 10.000 sono italiane, la meta' delle quali tossicodipendenti. Nel computo totale il 66% di esse ha completato la scuola superiore ed ha un'eta' compresa tra i 18 e i 24 anni. La media dei loro clienti e' 26 alla settimana con prezzi compresi tra le 35 e le 70.000 lire. CENSORIOUS CENSUS According to a report from Eurispes, a European statistical service, the prostitute population in Italy amounts to 50,000 and is on the rise. Of that estimated total, 30,000 are from abroad, 10,000 are either transsexuals or transvestites, and the remaining 10,000 are reputed to be Italian.* One-half of the indigenous group is thought to be substance-abusers. Of the entire population, 66% lies between 18 and 24 years of age and has completed high school. The weekly average of customers served is 26, for fees ranging from 35,000 to 70,000 lire ($20-$40). Another indicator of the upward trend in this sector of the economy is the 278% increase in charges filed for inducing or exploiting of prostitution. * Translator's note: How the three categories avoid overlapping remains a mystery of statistics: save for extreme coincidence, transsexuals and transvestites must be neither Italian nor foreigners for the total to work out neatly to 50,00
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