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11 10 97 L'essenziale delle news ogni mattina sul vostro pc ENGLISH VERSION > c o v e r s t o r y FO PAS Dario Fo, playwright. Another Nobel Prize for yet another Italian. For literature, mind you. In English-language journalism, if the Nobel nominee for medicine is American, we read of "US-born Dr Caroline Torpey"; if the winner is Italian, the report is about "Dr Marcello Curapopoli of the University of Chicago." But writers are harder to steal, and Mr Fo was even denied a US visa for being a pinko. But I quibble: the Nobel Prize for anything is a supranational award for a lifetime of achievement, not the World Cup for sudden-death penalty kicks. The controversial Mr Fo has the art and perhaps deserves the honor. Even if we don't agree with what he says, at least Dario Fo amuses and uses good grammar: Ernest Hemingway, 1954 Nobel winner, never did both at once. The Vatican finds the Nobel Committee's choice for 1997 a poor one; indeed, if Dante Alighieri were Pope today, Mr Fo might well go to hell. And in what company he would be! An all-Italian, Infernal Dream Team of Literature, with the mighty Greeks in reserve. Too bad his name would make a poor rhyme. Maurizio Saitta > p l a n e t i t a l y GUARDONI Chilometri di auto di turisti si sono succedute nel weekend lungo le strade delle zone terremotate ostacolando cosi' i soccorsi. Nel weekend sono state ben 51 le scosse succedutesi nel maceratese, mentre mercoledi` un altro centinaio di scosse hanno creato ansia e panico nel maceratese. Nuovi danni alla basilica di San Francesco ad Assisi. SHAKEN BY SUCH SPECTACLE Hundreds of separate tremors shook central Italy this week, ranging from barely perceptible to all-out quakes. In Assisi, frescoes by Giotto and Cimabue in the basilica of St Francis suffered further damage. Last weekend miles and miles of vehicles filled with 'rubbernecks' hampered relief workers and delayed the delivery of emergency supplies. > MORIRE FELICI L'associazione torinese Exit lancia una campagna di sensibilizzazione per l'eutanasia. Chiedono che la spinosa scelta possa essere introducibile dall'individuo nel proprio testamento. STAGE LEFT Torino (Piedmont). The newest campaign by Exit, an organization promoting voluntary euthanasia, propounds that the "choice to die" be allowed by law to become part of a person's living will. > VIAGGIO DI NOZZE Dopo che tutti gli invitati al loro matrimonio se ne erano andati due giovani sposini di Lucca si sono intrattenuti in un prato a fumare uno spinello con un paio di amici. La polizia li ha sorpresi e li ha costretti a passare in carcere la prima notte di nozze. BRIDLE SUITE Lucca (Tuscany). After their wedding reception, two newlyweds adjourned to a nearby lawn to smoke some pot with a couple of friends. Caught red-handed by police, the bride and groom had to spend the first night of their honeymoon in jail. > VENITE AVANTI Con due anni di ritardo rispetto all'accordo di Schengen l'Italia ottiene il nulla osta per entrare nel 'club' dei paesi europei che hanno abolito le frontiere aeroportuali. Dal 27 ottobre i connazionali che si recheranno in Francia, Germania, Olanda, Spagna e Portogallo potranno entrarvi liberamente. SAFE-CONDUCT Two years after the date set forth in the Schengen Accord, Italy joins the club of EU countries with laxer border controls. Starting October 27, airports will allow free entry to passengers traveling between Italy and France, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. > SCUOLA Una scuola materna di Torino sara' intitolata a Linus, il famoso personaggio dei Peanuts di Schultz. CALVIN & HOBBES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Torino (Piedmont). Plans were unveiled Tuesday to name a local pre-school after Linus, the well-known cartoon character from Peanuts. > TIMPANI Entra in vigore il decreto contro la musica troppo alta nelle discoteche. Sopra i 130 decibel non si potra' piu' ballare, ma i gestori annunciano battaglia. ON DEAF EARS Effective this week, it is illegal in Italy to play music louder than 130 decibels in public places. Disco and nightclub operators are organizing against the new law. > A ME 6000 persone ieri in piazza Venezia a Roma per la distribuzione pubblica di 700 milioni da parte della Lista Pannella. Il denaro e' una parte della quota ottenuta dal partito con il finanziamento pubblico. VICTORIAL SECRETS On Tuesday the party Lista Pannella handed out 700 million lire ($400,000) to a crowd of 8,000 people gathered in Rome. The money came from election funds allotted by the Italian Treasury. The arena chosen for this unique refund was Piazza Venezia, dominated by two memorials to Italy's political past: the balcony from which Mussolini addressed the nation and that neoclassic eyesore, the Temple to Victory and Altar of the Fatherland known as "Il Vittoriale." ** E' tutto. Buon week end
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